


Yes you can! When placing an order, you can attach your prescription information. If you forget, not to worry – just follow up on your order with an email so we can get it sorted! 

All eyewear (glasses and sunglasses) come with a 1-year warranty. If anything happens to them, let us know and we can hook you up with a replacement or repair. 

Yes you can! After you've purchased your frame, you'll need to make a claim and submit your receipt to your insurance provider. Insurance plans and instructions may vary.


We offer 14-day exchanges or refunds, so if you aren't happy with our frames you can choose one of those options. 

We do! Shipping is on us, always. We offer free return shipping too.

Within Canada, allow for 1 - 3 business days to receive your order. Within the U.S, allow for up to 10 business days to receive your order. 
